Pharmacists: Give Your Greatest Gift in 2012

As the year comes to a close, acknowledge yourself for the gift you’ve given your patients and colleagues this year-maybe your clinical intervention saved someone from a serious adverse effect, what you said brightened up someone’s day, or just being you was an inspiration to your co-worker/pharmacy staff even when you didn’t realize it.

As we enter into the new year, I challenge you to join me in taking this on for the next 48 days: decide every moment that you’ll give without bothering how the other person is responding or reciprocating (including in your job)…go to your extreme of giving.  See yourself explode in intelligence & energy.  Be your own source of inspiration to live & expand in every dimension of your life (-inspiration from Paramahamsa Nithyananda).

On the one hand, you can resolve to do just the minimum because you may decide that you don’t like your job or your boss. You may decide to give only how much you feel you are receiving.  But you’ll end up stunting your own creativity, and the person who will suffer the most from it is you.

You have the capacity to be an inspiring leader regardless of what role you inspiration to others while giving your greatest gift.  Your gift may not be the same as those around you (so drop all comparison!)…your gift is unique & can only be expressed by you.

Have a wonderful holiday—may those of you who choose to be inspired share bliss and joy with everyone around youEmail me & share your reflections with me in your 48-day journey.  I’ll be thinking of you with love and inspiration as we enter the New Year!

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About Chen Yen, PharmD

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