What I am Thankful For – It’s NOT Pharmacy

As the year comes to an end, I am thankful for the experience you have allowed me to give you this year.  I am appreciative of all of you who are a part of my pharmacist community & who inspire me to fulfill my mission.  Thank you for letting me live my passion of teaching and inspiring you to work a fulfilling job AND live the ultimate life.

Many of you have been offered pharmacy jobs you want under my guidance.  You have learned not to settle (in the big picture perspective) for what you want, as you took what I taught and implemented it in your job search.

A pharmacy career that has at moments given me doubt and made me question why I went into pharmacy….has evolved into my helping you get jobs and interviews faster.  It was an indirect path to living my passion (I came from a few generations of teachers).  And for that, I am grateful.

I confess, I wrote the title just to catch your attention.

May you finish out the year feeling grateful for how you’ve touched patients’ lives.  May you feel thankful for being a pharmacist, which has taken you to a place where you are today– both professionally and personally.  May you enjoy this journey of discovery to live your passion within pharmacy (or maybe outside of pharmacy).  Let’s continue along in our journey together.  Hope you had a great Thanksgiving , and may we enjoy the rest of this year & start out next year in gratitude.

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About Chen Yen, PharmD

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