The Bachelorette or You – Who Has the Last Laugh?

The all-important rose ceremony, where the path of love (or lust?) is being determined…and your all-important job search, where you next career move is being carved out…

In a job search where you are not getting the results you want  (just like men & women on The Bachelorette or The Bachelor not hearing what they want to hear), you experience some level of rejection.  People deal with rejection in different ways.   I have seen some pharmacists recognize that the job was not a good fit for some reason;  others look at it as a way to learn from it, and still others sabotage themselves because they become angry and start blaming others for it.

If someone pushes your hot buttons because they rejected you and your self-esteem has taken a punch, look at why you are reacting the way you are. Is the rejection reminding you of a time in the past when something important to you was lost because you were rejected?  Are you experiencing the rejection in a way that doesn’t allow you to see the unchanged beauty and competency in you, regardless of any rejection?

The reality of it is that you will not be a fit for every place you apply for.  It may not be a match for you, nor may it be a match for the pharmacy.  Look at the gift of the rejection and the discovery process it takes you through.  As in dating, your initial reaction can be a downer, especially if you really wanted the job, however, it opens you up to get closer to the  job you want.

Assess the situation and see if you can gather more information about why you were rejected.  Learn from feedback, and then focus on what can move you forward to the next step of what you want.  If your energy is focused on bashing and justifying why the pharmacy/company that rejected you is sub-par, blind, or discriminating, the person you hurt the most is yourself.  The quicker you are able to move from a negative emotional energy state to move forward with what feels good, you will pave the way for clarity.  You will then tap into the intelligence and right resources to get the job you want.  Read more to find out what The Bachelorette did.

Ok, you probably came here looking for some gossip about what Ali did. Sorry to disappoint you and tell you what you may have already heard, but Ali Fedotowsky got rejected by Jake Pavelka in a previous season’s The Bachelor.  She may have regretted losing Jake to Vienna Girardi momentarily, but she moved on, got her own Bachelorette show, and has had 25 guys of all types chasing after her.  Whether she ends up with one of them for good or not, she has had another shot at love on the show, and I’m sure will have more chances through her new connections and friends if things don’t end up working out.  Learn from Ali and all the previous rejected men & women on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette show.  This too shall pass.

You know, I used to be horrible with rejection.  I was always a people-pleaser and wanted to be liked.  Depending on the situation, I would sometimes take rejection by thinking, this is my chance to do the impossible.  Other times, I felt self-defeated and wondered what was wrong with me.  Sometimes, I would spend too much time justifying that I was right.  Acceptance and giving thanks to the rejection was not always easy for me.

I find it funny that I am now in a business where every day is full of rejections–rejections from pharmacists who changed their mind, or are not ready for my help with their next career move yet because the timing is not right, rejections from pharmacies not wanting to talk to me right now because they are swamped.  Rejections ranging from polite ones to hang ups, to being yelled at.  I view rejections so differently now than before.

Every rejection takes me a step closer to the pharmacists who are thankful for us getting them the job they want (or teaching them secrets of what works/doesn’t when they job search on their own),  or the pharmacies who can’t wait to work with us because they’ve heard about our reputation of presenting  top-notch pharmacists and not wasting their time.

As long as you are on the path to making peace with rejection, you will grow and be led to the place where you are meant to be.

The Bachelorette AND you–you both have the last laugh.

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About Chen Yen, PharmD

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